Monday, April 28, 2008

New Blog Loves

Cynic With Flair: This youtubery is for you, girl!

Really quick post before guilt about not 24/7 sucking down two more chapters and regurgitating the major points of the last one gets to me:

Because the catalyst for this public blog was my huge blog collection and wish to lurk no more in Blogger, I'll be posting every now and then about the many new additions to my blog roll. Some of them aren't even blogs, just sites I've been enjoying for a long time, or just discovered. Carol Bowman's, for instance, is a forum discussing reincarnation and primarily children's pjavascript:void(0)
Publish Postast life memories or flashbacks.

And this one is a not-so-new Blogger blog but I discovered it last week while looking for ways to kill the frizzies and the basket head haircut look that last hairdresser worked on me.

OK, the clock is screaming GETTHEFUCKOUTTHEDOOR now for real. Will elaborate later if I don't OD on a certain textbook's contents tonight.


Cynic with Flair said...

Wow! For me? I'm so honored! I love Mary J...she is the queen of everything! Love to you, too, my dear one.

Letty Cruz said...

MUAH, babe!